Friday, March 20, 2009

Kickboxing and Health

Kickboxing and Bodybuilding.

Personally, I believe this is the most awesome workout you can ask for in terms of having both a strong and lean body.

Let me explain why should you prefer a kickboxing package over a gym.

Kickboxing packages are actually more expensive, however I think its more than worth it provided:

1.) Nutrition counseling

2.) bodyweight exercises/ weight training

3.) Self Defence training

4.) Personal attention

it is much easier to walk on a machine treadmill, I mean its so obvious that kicking and punching makes your body use itself much more.

So the fat loss actually gets WAY faster.

and not just that, if you technically look at it:

treadmill, stationary bike and stepper exhaust you MORE because whether you are kicking or running on a balanced machine, you are putting efforts.

So ultimately you get exhausted LESS and burn MORE.

However, if you are into something which goes: 'I want looks, fuck everything else' then you should hire a personal trainer and go to a gym and regularly take supplements.

So how does it help someone obese or unfit enough to do pushups and squats?

Simple enough… start with what you can, like modified pushups, do simple leg raises with ankle weights and work with dumbbells first before going for weight training.


gain strength and do the tough work.

And yes, if you ask the trainer about you being not able to do something, HE WILL OFFER AN ALTERNATIVE which will eventually make you capable enough for the hard things.

Secondly, pick a time in the morning for your batch, the weight related exercises will burn fat throughout the day.

And in about 3-4 months, your body will be conditioned and aware enough for basic self defence.

And if you work on the psychological aspects, girls will be prepared to defend against rape WITHIN A SINGLE SESSION.

Kickboxing for different age groups:


This will help increase height maybe 2-3 inches if you are very dedicated to kickboxing training.

You can get your six pack.

battle ready and a possible career in the field.

working class hero:

to see the great benefits of kickboxing, the first criteria in daily practice.

However, if you are burning the same time in the gym, I suggest you invest here instead,

the reasons being:

1.) because the gym cardio fails to complete utilize your body, it will not completely work your legs hence resulting into very less long term benefits in terms of having enough stamina to last throughout the day and the extra stamina once the day is over.

You need a strong body regardless of who you are and what you do.

2.) faster fat burning, I know its hard maintaining the sexy frame once you have to deal with work… so its worth the time and money put in it.

3.) Self Defence


1.) The constant kicking will give you a damn tight butt and shapely thighs


3.) you can look hot, hit good, get more energy… I mean what else can you ask for?

Above 45:

Not Recommended.


Use every Sunday to recover. just stretch in the Sunday.

if you can, take a massage.

And yes, add salt to your bath daily (hot water). will help soothe anything that is sore.

Try stretching every now and then, does wonders in the long term

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