Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is it Possible to Grow Taller for Adult?

It's been a pro-contra topics for many years. Some expert's conclusion that body growth will stop in 20's (well it's various on everybody, some even in their 18's) and nothing can 'reinstate' it, not magic pills nor exercises.

Some medical and non medical experts assume theoretically that adult body still have potential changed to be lengthened which cause the body look taller. Besides there was a discovery of Egypt archaeology remains of est. 2388-2356 B.C. proves that the willing of getting taller is not only the obsession of modern people. It's been a centuries natural-human obsession with many different methods.

Now a days, there are hundreds of getting-taller program spread world wide, from sophisticated equipment which work like pulling your body frequently, shoe insertion, pills, exercises, yoga, etc. The effectiveness is also vary. Some people feel certain methods are effective to them and some are not. However, definitely we have to pick really wise what sort of method which will not cause negative effect to health and even financial condition. The first thing is major to put it in consideration for long term.

If some experts insist that there's no such way to increase height after 20's, why should it be a phenomenon for hundreds or thousands years with (some) good result? The orthopedic expert may conclude it because there's never been a specific research made for this subject. It's biologically proven that the bone stop grow in certain age, and that's it.

How about millions of people in thousands years who feel that gain height does work?

The orthopedic expert is absolutely right with theory. Bone stop growing in certain age, and never grow exactly the same as children's bone. However, the gain-height pro release theory of grow taller for adult with stimulating the skeleton.

Apart from pills intake, certain exercise and yoga plus certain nutritional diet is the safest way to try. The method is stimulating certain part of skeleton which's called intevertebrae discs. These layers are connecting the 33 blocks of cartiladge in skeleton. Sort of semi solid and flexible type of bone, so that's why our body is able to bow, etc.

In certain intense exercise and nutritional diet is believed to be able to stimulate the discs to be thickened a little bit. Just few mm will create significant look. Assume each disc is thickened by 1mm. When multiplied by 33 it creates increment about 10cm/4inch. And it doesn't always be "the more exercise the more taller". Yet it's just like muscle training. Stimulated muscle has it's limit to grow. So no body builder in this world has big arm like barrel after training for many years. The point is, when there's extreme process in the body, it will automatically adjusted.

Another sample of stimulated bone is Karen tribe. Hundreds of the women have unusual long neck. It looks weird when you see them. You can see the photos by image googling with "Karen long neck". For their culture, the longer neck, the more beautiful. This is happened when their neck bone is 'forced'. And the neck is keeping longer until their 40-50's. So even above their 30 they still can add more 'neck ring', this one proves that the bone is potentially grown even for adult. Off course it's through some process. One of it is Postural Exercises.

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