If you’re not as tall as you would like to be then you may have wondered how to grow taller naturally, or even if it’s actually possible to get taller once you’ve left puberty. Height can be a very sensitive issue, and can lead to problems such as self consciousness, depression and lack of self esteem.
Whether you’re a guy or a girl, lack of height can be a matter of concern. But is there really any way to remedy this, or are you destined to be short for the rest of your life?
Unfortunately, there’s no ‘magic pill’ for how to grow taller naturally, however most average people, no matter what height they are, have the potential to increase their height by at least 2-4 inches. True, you’ll never be a Shaquille O’Neal (7ft 1 basketball player), but a few extra inches added to your height could make a great difference to your life. Imagine the difference it will make to your life.
Lack of growth can be caused by many different factors, including an unbalanced level of growth hormones in the body. If you do not do the correct things to maximize your height, you may not reach your full height potential. Certain exercises and the right diet are two factors that can enhance the body’s growth, making it possible to grow taller even after you’ve stopped growing.
The condition of our spine will affect our height (as much as 2 to 6 inches) which is around 35% of our total height. More than 98% of people will suffer from over compression of the spine (this is as a result of a mixture of environmental and genetic reasons).
Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a NEW SYSTEM that will provide you with an exercise and diet plan to help correct this condition and get rid of my excess curvatures in the spine. It is totally natural.
If you want to know how to grow taller naturally then this height enhancement system could be the answer. I would definitely, HIGHLY RECOMMEND this product to anyone who feels uncomfortable about their height and wants to grow taller naturally. Do this before taking any miracle growth pills of other growth products, it is guaranteed to work.
For more information on Grow Taller 4 Idiots visit http://www.howdoigrowtaller.com and also read a FREE report about this Height Increase System!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Grow Taller Naturally
Best Way to Lose Weight - Diet or Exercise?
If you have been trying to lose some weight, and have done any research at all, you have no doubt read that dieting is best…or exercise is best. So which one really is the ‘best’ way to lose weight?
The short answer is that both ways may help you to lose weight, but neither one will work unless you understand some basic principles of how the body uses and stores calories.
We are all subject to what is called the Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the number of calories every living person needs to survive. It is based on the amount of calories needed to keep our organs functioning. Even walking to the fridge for some tempting snack or a cold one, and then back to the sofa for the next TV show would be considered ‘exercise’ when computing your BMR. It is the amount of calories you will burn if you stay in bed all day and do nothing.
The Basal Metabolic Rate is a clinical formula developed by countless measurements on countless people of both sexes and different ages. Your BMR decreases with both age and the loss of muscle mass. You will increase your BMR by adding muscle mass. Women and men have different formulas to compute their BMR.
A very precise BMR will factor in gender, age, weight, genetics, diet, body surface area, body fat percentage , body temperature, external temperature, glands, and the amount of exercise done on a regular basis. We can get a very accurate number without all this by using the following formula;
For women: BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)
For men: BMR = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kilos) = 5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)
Note: 1 inch = 2.54 cm.
1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs.
As an example…a woman who is 30 years old…5′ 6″ tall (167.6 cm)…and weighs 120 lbs. (54.5 kilos)
BMR = 655 + 523 + 302 - 141 = 1339 calories a day
To find the numbers of calories we actually burn in a day we need to multiply our BMR by our activity. This is determined by the following types of physical activity;
Sedentary = BMR x 1.2 (little or no exercise, working at a desk all day)
Lightly active = BMR x 1.375 (light exercise 1 to 3 times a week)
Moderately active = BMR x 1.55 (moderate exercise 3 to 5 times a week)
Very active = BMR x 1.725 (hard exercise 6 to 7 times a week)
Extremely active = BMR x 1.9 (hard daily exercise + physical job)
Our 30 year old woman who is moderately active will need 2075 calories a day
This number is also referred to as ‘total daily energy expenditure’ or TDEE. This is the number that we have to know in order to plan a program to lose weight…no matter if we choose diet or exercise as the method.
Now back to our original question…which method is the best? Dieting all by itself will lower the BMR, making it more difficult to lose weight by simply reducing calories. Extreme dieting may actually have negative side-effects like hormone disruption (thyroid output).
Exercise without also reducing calories will result in very slow weight loss as we will not burn enough calories without very rigorous exercise…which usually results in an increase in food consumption. The recommended reduction for safe weight loss is between 500 and 1000 calories a day.
The bottom line concerning calories and weight loss is very simple. If we burn more calories then we consume we will lose weight. If we consume more calories then we burn we will gain weight. The trick is to find the balance using both diet and exercise.
Adding a moderately active to very active amount of exercise to your weight loss program also boosts your muscle mass which will increase your BMR. To keep the weight off it is necessary to lose it gradually…’crash’ or fad diets are not recommended.
Reducing your calories by just 500 a day off your TDEE will result in a loss of one lb. a week. This is an excellent rate to insure you will keep the weight off and you should not exceed 1000 calories a day, or 2 lb. a week. The combination of exercise and calorie reduction will give you the results you are looking for with the added benefit of becoming much more fit in the process.
A little effort will go a long way…happy weight loss.
Monday, March 30, 2009
GROW TALLER with Satogrowth Height increase Youtube You tube
Grow Taller By Increasing Your Own Natural Growth
SatoGrowth Grow Taller supplements for height increase
Underwater treadmill exercise to strengthen muscles, hip-abduction strength and gait strength.
ater treadmill is a treadmill which is submerged in water and provides exercise to people who have undergone total hip replacement. Underwater treadmill is a key component in rehabilitation centers to increase muscle strength and motion of hip. It is also used in Veterinaries to improve the motion of animals like dogs, horses, etc, increase their resistance and make their movements more swift and smooth.
Underwater treadmill consists of a treadmill submerged in water pool. The water pool in an underwater treadmill is normally maintained at chest height of the person to whom exercise is advised by doctors or recommended by medical specialists. The person then walks or runs at any desire pace on the underwater treadmill. An underwater treadmill has a conveyor belt on which the person walks or runs. The walking belt of the underwater treadmill reacts to the input it receives from the user’s exercise or feet. During exercise on an underwater treadmill resistance is provided by the surface area of the user’s body moving through the water. The walking pace on the underwater treadmill is then increased slightly to increase the resistance substantially.
Increase in walking pace is balanced by the natural resistance offered by the water in contact with the human body during the exercise on an underwater treadmill. This gradually increases motion, muscle strength and strengthens the hip.
Underwater treadmill exercise is recommended under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist, doctor, medical specialist or therapist who have received individualized instruction in physical rehabilitation of patients,
Underwater treadmill is used for walking and back stepping during aquatic therapy. Underwater treadmill used during aquatic therapy enables to curb problems relating abdominal, back, knee and strengthens the muscles/hip. Underwater treadmill offers walking, back stepping and retro walking exercise.
Underwater treadmill helps exercisers who have undergone a total hip replacement to return to their normal activity. Prior to exercise on an underwater treadmill these patients struggle with maintaining normal coordination of gait, range of motion at the hip and hip strength. Exercise on an underwater treadmill addresses these issues for the patients. Hip-replaced individuals are recommended to begin their post-operation rehabilitation work with an underwater treadmill exercise. Underwater treadmill exercise is advised by sports medicine specialists and physical therapists.
Underwater treadmill offers the potential advantage of water buoyancy while walking on the treadmill. Exercising on an underwater treadmill removes the need for the newly reformulated hip to support full body weight during each step of the walk. During exercise on an underwater treadmill, the water provides mild resistance to the motion of the person which enables them strengthen the hip and hip-flexor muscles over the time.
Patients in rehabilitation centers use underwater treadmills to minimize postoperative swelling, increase muscle strength and encourage early use of the operated limb. In rehabilitation centers, underwater treadmill is a part of the program DVSC.
Underwater treadmill exercise includes forward or reverse actuation of the treadmill belt including back stepping or retro walking and a unique back and abdomen strengthening exercise. Design of underwater treadmill is safe and secure for all pool users with no sharp edges or protrusions. Underwater treadmill exercise can be performed with bare feet. No electromechanical or electronic components are needed to be attached to the body of the person while exercising on an underwater treadmill. Underwater treadmills are made of a solid construction which is impervious to pool chemicals allowing continuous submersion without need for any type of maintenance.
Underwater treadmill improves hip-abduction strength and gait stability during the critical rehabilitation period following surgery. Underwater treadmill is safe but is recommended under the supervision of medical specialists, doctors and physical therapists.
Grow Taller 4 Inches With Growth Flex Pro Height Increase.
Grow taller at any age with growthflex pro height increase system. Gain height and improve your growth up to 4 inches. Basketball athletes, models and bodybuilders can now grow tall with growth flex pro.
Grow taller and Height Increase Growth-Flex Pro System
#1 Grow taller growth flex Pro official growth supplement site. Increase height 2-4 inches at any age! Advanced Growth flex pro is safe and effective growth booster to help you boost your own natural growth level. Try GrowthFlexV Pro System now and get guaranteed height results. Fortunately you don’t need to spend anymore thousands of dollars on, magic scam growth pills, fake promises and scam grow taller products to increase your height. There is no scientific research data or proven product in the market to increase height after puberty.
Optimize Your Vertical Jump Potential With Upper Body Exercises
Many athletes mistakenly believe that the best way to increase vertical jump is by focusing their vertical exercises specifically for the legs. However, if you are not performing any exercises targeting your upper body then you are allowing your upper body to become your weakest link.
The human body operates as a unit and your body is only as strong as your weakest link. Many athletes believe wrongly that the only exercise to increase vertical targets the lower body. In fact, you can actually ruin the potential to increase your jump by purely focusing on your legs. If you want to optimize your leap to its potential then don’t allow any part of your body to become your weakest link.
Here is a quick rundown of the principles that must be followed when performing upper body exercises to increase your leap:
It is important when designing an upper body vertical jump exercise that your program follows the same principles that you have created for your lower body workout.
If a leap increase is your focus it’s important that you measure your sets, reps and rest on a workout system that has been specifically designed around your unique athletic abilities and desired jump increase.
As with the quads and hams, it is very important that there your opposing muscle group imbalances ie biceps to triceps and chest to back, as this will ultimately increase your chance of injury and decrease your chance of an increase.
An effective upper body workout is frequently ignored by athletes. However, if you are serious about a jump increase then it’s important that you not ignore the upper body when targeting your workouts as upper body exercises definitely help increase jumping ability. It is critical that your workout focuses on your upper body and lower body so that your body continues to work as one unit and does not suffer any harmful imbalances.
If you are serious about increasing your vertical jump you need to find the right program that will meet your needs.
The best program for you will be able to be customized to your own individual and athletic needs and circumstances. Programs customize their workouts differently. One may concentrate on an individual’s weaknesses, while another vertical jump program will customize its program through performing repetitious exercise.
The best program will be able to customize your workout precisely according to your needs and not someone else’s. It will also be able to individually take into account your weight, your height, your health, your fitness level and ultimately, your vertical jump goal.
It will also offer multiple different training levels. The best vertical jump program will increase your vertical jump strength through both weight training and plyometrics.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Easy Exercises for Burning Cellulite
It is a known fact that majority of the women, regardless of age, wish to reduce cellulite. Hence, exercises for burn cellulite are the most sought after ones in the gymnasium now days.
Workout program
As far as appropriately structured ‘Cellulite Workout Program’ is concerned, those who intend to reduce cellulite should put together thigh, hip, and butt routine in order to incorporate in the current workouts if they really have ones. Exercises for burn cellulite specifically target the areas of hanging out of cellulite.
If you happen to be a starter, this mini routine consisting of exercises for burn cellulite would prove to be an unmatched workout for getting started in the proper direction and getting some positive results. The first step would be to lie down on the side. Now, the exercises for burn cellulite begin as follows:
Firstly, let both the knees be brought forward in such a way that the hips are at an angle of 90 degrees. Then the top leg be straightened right in front, still maintaining the right angled position at hip. Let the lifting of top leg be carried out slowly at a height of around 3 feet off ground and down. Secondly, straightening of both the legs comes into picture. Due to this, the entire body gets straightened. Let the hips be then tilted forward a bit. Now, repeat the procedure of lifting and dropping the top leg. Thirdly, this complete course needs to be repeated on other side.
Knees and Elbows
The exercises for burn cellulite for knees and elbows start as follows: Firstly, let one leg be extended straight back in such a way that the toe would be on the ground. Then the leg should be lifted up such that it faces the ceiling, and then brought down. Then, switching of legs comes into picture. Secondly, let the knee be lifted off floor. The same heel then should be extended back as well as up. This would result in leg pointing towards ceiling and bringing knee back in to you. Then, again, switch legs.
Standing Up
The exercises for burn cellulite to be performed by standing up can be performed as follows: Firstly, let the feet be put together. Then, the stepping out is to be carried out in a ‘lunge’ position. Now, let the ground be touched with the opposite hand. Next, reverse exercise should be started, i.e. coming back up and stepping back to starting position be carried out. Switching of legs is inevitable. Secondly, let one foot be put up on step (12 to 18 inches high). Then, step up slowly (up and down) with another foot. Again, switch legs.
If you find this routine of exercises for burn cellulite simple, try practicing it twice. If performing something more challenging is your wish, let the above exercises be increased to around 15-20 times/set. Note that the normal exercise consists of 10 times/set. If the above set is practiced 2 to 3 times/week, you would soon notice the reduction of cellulite.
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Top Cellulite Reduction Cream Based on Customer Reviews -> Cellulite Reduction Cream
Caffeine for Cellulite Reduction
Exercise Bikes Online
When you finally decide to actually purchase an exercise bike, its important to first figure out where you are going to put the bike, this is so you can figure out what type of bike you want as well as how much room you will need for the bike. The second thing your going to want to do is think about whether you want an upright, semi-recumbent or recumbent exercise bike. The bike that you do choose should be comfortable enough for you to sit in but should also have good posture and an adjustable seat option as well. if you are going to buy a bike online, obviously you aren’t going to be able to test it out first so the second best thing is to look fir reviews online. Thankfully fir your sake I have found a few highly reviewed bikes that are available online, so go ahead and take a look at the following products available to you right now online:
Stamina CPS 9200 Indoor Cycle Exercise Bike -
The CPS 9200 Indoor Cycle exercise bike gives you the feel of a real road bike with it’s weighted flywheel that builds speed link an outdoor bike. Strong and durable steel construction lets you stand up and pedal hard while the support of the rock-solid base keeps you steady.
Deluxe Conversion II Recumbent Bike and Rower -
These are awesome because its like a two in one machine! It is constructed with an extruded aluminum rowing beam and steel construction for increased durability. With eight levels of resistance and an easy-to-see LCD screen which keeps track of distance, speed, calories burned, and pulse (measured by sensors in grips), the rower bike will motivate you during your low-impact, comfortable workout. The Stamina recumbent bicycle is very quiet, has a cushioned, foam-padded seat and seat back, and foot-straps which hold your feet firmly in place for the ultimate comfort.
Elite Total Body Recumbent Bike -
With the Elite Total Body Recumbent Bike, you work all major muscles in your thighs, buttocks, and hips while getting a great cardiovascular workout. In addition, the Elite Total Body Recumbent bike tones your upper body muscle groups with rotating handlebars.
InTone Folding Recumbent Bike -
The InTone Folding Recumbent Bike tones your thighs, hips, and buttocks while you get an effective low-impact cardiovascular workout. With the easy mobility of the unit and it’s folding design, the InTone Folding Recumbent Bike is portable and easy to store. Other features of this bike include; a quiet motor, a cushioned seat and seat back, and foam-padded grips, providing for a very comfortable, low-impact workout. The adjustable seat can fit all heights, and allows for you to workout in a semi-reclined position, eliminating back and shoulder strain. The LCD monitor tracks workout time, speed, distance, and calories burned, so you will remain motivated as you meet your goals!
3 Absolutely Essential Factors for Successful Weight Loss
The height/weight charts that you see everywhere are a good height/weight standard. Nobody that is 5 feet tall can weight 200 lbs. and be in good physical condition!
On the other hand, the height/weight ratio isn’t the only factor that determines physical fitness. The percentage of body fat is also a factor - maybe the most important.
The idea is to keep the muscle that you have - and add to it - while losing the fat, building muscle and increasing stamina. Which lead me to three absolutely essential factors that I believe define every successful weight loss program:
Achieving a healthy height/weight ratio
Achieving a lower percentage of body fat
Achieving a higher degree of stamina
Success Factor #1: Achieving a healthy height/weight ratio
For women, the height to weight ratio is between 2 and 2.2 pounds per inch of height. The ratio is slightly higher for men, but not by much.
For example: a woman who is 5′1" tall has a mid range weight of 122 pounds according to the height weight chart. A man of the same height has a mid range weight of 134 pounds.
But achieving that correct height/weight ratio isn’t all there is to successful weight loss. A man can be six feet tall, his weight can be within the ideal weight limits according to those height/weight charts - yet he can still not be physically fit. Scales don’t discriminate between “fat pounds” and “muscle pounds.”
Success Factor #2: Achieving a lower percentage of body fat
The body’s fat percentage is just that: the % fat your body contains. Your body weight is the total of everything - muscle, fat bone, etc. - combined. So the number of pounds reduced isn’t enough information to determine whether your weight loss program is successful.
There are lots of free body fat calculators online, and even a site that can determine your body fat based upon the measurements of your hips, wrist, ankle and thigh.
Achieving a lower percentage of body fat is actually accomplished by building muscle while losing fat. Weight training exercises are the single best way to reduce your body fat percentage.
Success Factor #3: Achieving a higher degree of stamina
When people are overweight and their percentage of body fat to muscle is too high, they usually don’t have a lot of stamina. They can’t walk, run or climb stairs easily.
The best way to increase stamina is by engaging in aerobic exercises that are designed to improve the cardiovascular system function. Build up your heart and lungs,and stamina always increases.
So remember, no weight loss program can be considered successful unless you keep the muscle you have, increase the overall amount of muscle in your body, and lose fat.
Moonlight Mick (slash) Heard It From A Friend
A new tale. Is Mick jeopardizing his relationship with Josef by taking it on the run? Josef doesn’t want to believe Mick is cheating and the 1st time the “I don’t believer it” line comes up Josef is saying he don’t believe Mick IS cheating. But Josef’s also no fool and when he continues to suspect Mick is running around he won’t put up with it. He confronts Mick and asks are you seeing someone else? Mick says “No” but from that point on the “I don’t believe it” line is Josef telling Mick he doesn’t believe that he’s NOT cheating. Josef is right….the fact is Mick IS seeing SEVERAL other guys! None of the boyfriends know about the others - they all think thought they were the only one till they, like Josef, begin to piece it all together….well, all but one of them who isn’t as sharp ads the others LOL They surprise Mick at his apartment with a confrontation (and a dominatrix LOL) and collectively dump him. But Mick still has one of them fooled! This was fun to make - I laughed a lot! Enjoy…
REO Speedwagon
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin’ around
They say you got a boy friend
You’re up there every weekend
They’re talkin’ about you and it’s bringin’ me down
But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But I’m telling you, babe
That I don’t think it’s true, babe
And even if it is keep this in mind
You take it on the run baby
If that’s the way you want it baby
Then I don’t want you around
I don’t believe it, Not for a minute
You’re under the gun so you take it on the run
You’re thinking up your white lies
You’re putting on your bedroom eyes
You say you’re coming home but you won’t say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Advantages of Jumping for Fitness
One can maintain good health only if he do daily and regular exercise. You can gain fitness benefits from any exercise only if you are doing it in proper ways. Jumping is one of the best exercises to maintain your body fitness.
1.Benefits of Rope Jumping:
Jumping for fitness involves jumping rope which is one of the best exercises that one can do to gain fitness. It helps us to loose our weight and it helps us to gain good body figure. Jumping rope is an energetic exercise, because when you do this exercise you jump at least 80 times a minute. People use more energy while jumping compared to running. When you are jumping 80 times in a minute it gives benefit equal to running a mile in less than 8 minute. Those who like rope jumping must do it with comfortable speed and when you get tired you cease it.
2.Basic thing in rope jumping:
Before you start rope jumping you need to undergo certain basic things such as you need to get enough skill about jumping continuously for 20 to 30 minutes, you must jump long and fast as required by you to maintain your body figure. For rope jumping first of all you will require ten foot rope. The rope must reach to your feet when you stand on middle of it. It is not necessary that you should have a special shoes, you can do rope jumping by wearing normal footwear also. But do not use high heel sandals or loose shoes as it may cause damage to your legs. Thus jumping for fitness is necessary to make your body healthy.
3.Methods for rope jumping:
Jumping for fitness is necessary as it makes our bones strong and make our body flexible. When you start rope jumping see that you start spinning the rope forward so that when you jump you can see the rope. When the rope passed under your legs just bend your knees so that you don't fall down. You must take care while your feet striking the ground. Slightly bow down forward at the waist so that you don't fall while jumping.
4.Benefits of Trampolines:
Formally trampolines were considered as children's toys, but now-a-days adults are using it for exercise. Adults have discovered the ways to get fitness benefits from trampoline exercise. Trampoline exercises includes many benefits such as proper blood circulation, increases your speed, increase your energy, makes your bones strong, increase fitness and improve your body figure. We can get the benefits of jumping for fitness by doing trampoline exercise.
5.Helps in increasing height:
Jumping for fitness also helps the person to gain good height. One can increase his height by doing jumping exercise.
Gloxi Height Enhancer Drink (shop at myezshopmall.com)
A new innovation formula to help you achieve your desired height in no time! This formula composed of natural extracts that works together for maximum absorption of nutrient for better healthier body. Gloxi is made up of natural extracts combined together to perform multi function for a faster and better growth result. it has CPP that prevents the formation of insoluble calcium salts; thus increased the absorption of calcium and other nutrients that your body could get with this new formula. It also has Glucosamine which stimulates cartilages cells to produce two proteins that help to hold joint tissue together, primrily used to treat osteoarthritis. That is why this health drink is suitable from ages 14 and above. This formula is composed of natural ingredients that is why this won’t have any side effects just a satisfactory result that would give you better healthier and happy lifestyle.
Enhanced Classroom Learning With Brain Exercises & Brain Gym
An innovative program designed to teach students to activate their brains through specific body movements is helping children throughout the world be better prepared to learn. With back to school in full swing now, this is welcomed news for both educators and students alike. The program, Brain Gym http://www.braingym.com, was developed by former classroom instructor, Dr. Paul Dennison, and is based on Educational Kinesiology, which is the science of enhanced learning through movement.
Dennison intends to awaken students, parents and teachers to an understanding of the interdependence of movement, learning, and brain development. The principles in his program are so widely accepted that his Brain Gym program is becoming the standard in schools around the world and recommended by tutors and teachers and those looking for better health and well being. Teachers who incorporate the Brain Gym movements within their daily classroom routine rediscover that joy of teaching for which they originally chose their profession.
The Brain Gym program provides a series of simple movement activities that optimize brain activity, while integrating the mind and body. The lessons taught are profoundly simple, can be done anywhere, and work well for all ages. The concept is so simply, yet so effective. And that’s why it works. Those who practice the exercises enjoy doing them, so they want to do them consistently. They also see positive results, which is a driving force for continuing to do them on a regular basis.
Following are some sample exercises, how to perform them, and the benefit achieved:
Cross Crawl - Simultaneously lift your right hand and left leg, lightly tapping the hand just above your left knee. Then return the hand and leg to a resting position as you lift your left hand and right leg, touching your left hand to the place above its opposite knee. Continue this back and forth pattern for a minute or so, as though walking rhythmically.
Accomplishes - Improved left/right coordination; enhanced breathing and stamina; greater coordination and spatial awareness, enhanced hearing and vision. Helps with spelling, writing, listening, reading and comprehension.
Energy Yawn - While pretending to yawn, close eyes tight and massage the areas covering the upper and lower back molars. A deep relaxed yawning sound is made while massaging the muscles. Repeat the activity three to six times.
Accomplishes - Perfect for classroom teaching as students can add to their own movements. Improved expression and creativity, improved balance, and relaxed thinking during mental work.
Lazy 8s - The student aligns his body with a point at eye level. This will be the midpoint of the 8. The student chooses a comfortable position for drawing the Lazy 8, adjusting the width and height to fit his needs. He starts on the midline and moves counterclockwise first, up, over, and around. Then from his waist he moves clockwise: up, over, around, and back to the beginning midpoint. As the eyes follow the Lazy 8, the head moves slightly and the neck remains relaxed. Three repetitions with each hand separately and then both together.
Accomplishes - Teaches visual attention and improves ocular mobility skills needing for reading. Helps with the mechanics of reading (left-to-right eye movement).
Positive points - Lightly touch the points above each eye, halfway between the eyebrows and the hairline, with the fingertips of each hand. Use just enough pressure to pull the skin taut, and hold the contact for about a minute.
Accomplishes - Helps with organizational abilities, study skills, test performance and sports performance, public speaking, stage performance and reading aloud.
Arm Activation - Reach up above your head with your left arm, feeling the arm lengthen from your rib cage. Hold your arm just below the elbow with your right hand. Now isometrically activate your left arm for a few seconds in each of four positions away from your head, forward, backward, and toward your ear. Rest your left arm again at your side. Now stand and let your arms hang comfortably by your sides.
Accomplishes - An increased attention span for written work; improved focus and concentration without over focus; improved breathing and a relaxed attitude; an enhanced ability to express ideas; and increased energy in hands and fingers.
When students are introduced to Brain Gym, they seem to love it, request it, teach it to their friends, and integrate it into their lives without any coaching or supervision. This movement-based system offers additional assistance to children with learning difficulties and helps them achieve the best of success in their academic paths.
“The teachers in the classrooms are instrumental in making the Brain Gym program work,” said Dennison. That’s why Dennison takes great strides in providing detailed instructions, informational charts, hands on workshops, and all the tools necessary to achieve success.
Detailed in Dennison’s latest book, Brain Gym and Me, Reclaiming the Pleasure of Learning, is one pilot program and the positive results from it after implementing Brain Gym. The conclusion was that students reported learning physical skills, trusting their own bodies, plus self-esteem and easier reading while teachers expressed gratitude for this effective tool to enhance teaching strategies.
The book also details how Dennison once walked through the halls during one school visit, and saw children using Brain Gym throughout the school day without teacher direction. “That was great validation that our program works,” he said. “If we look inside the classroom, we’ll see that active learners are those who are lively and active. Such children physically reach for information and opportunities to express themselves, barely containing their enthusiasm for knowledge as they write, turn pages and relate with their peers. The children who are not moving will appear stressed, passive and bored. In either case children can’t hide their authentic feelings about learning. These feelings are apparent in their movements, demeanor and body posture.”
Patty Gottwald, a pre-school teacher at Mason County Eastern in Michigan, was quoted in an article in Ludington’s Daily News recently talking about the Brain Gym Program. She states she attended a Brain Gym session, which showed teachers how their students can activate parts of their brains through certain body movements and concluded, “It makes children more ready to learn.”
Dennison’s book, Brain Gym and Me: Reclaiming the Pleasure of Learning, which explains how to bring Brain Gym into the classroom, is currently in more than 80 countries receiving astonishing worldwide media attention recently with segments on CBC Radio’s 1 “Ontario Today” and City TV, “Breakfast Television” and a full-page article in Woman’s World Magazine, May 8th edition. It provides excellent examples of how many have succeeded and how Dr. Dennison skillfully takes them on this journey. It also explains how he overcame his own learning challenges to become an internationally known educator and authority on cognitive skills and reading achievement.
Want your children to achieve the best in academic success? Then look into the Brain Gym Program at your school and stop by the Brain Gym site for additional information, http://www.braingym.com. Dr. Dennison is also available for media interviews and would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate some of the 26 exercises that make up the Brain Gym Program. He is also available for workshops and speaking engagements. Contact Publicist Diana Ennen at diana@virtualwordpublishing.com, (954) 971-4025 for details.
Friday, March 27, 2009
How to Improvise a Shoulder Press Machine Out of 2 Bars and a Power Rack
The benefits of the shoulder press machine are many: improved shoulder strength and muscle mass, no need to kick dumbells up to your shoulders, increased stability, etc.
But many gyms are sorely lacking when it comes to shoulder press machines. They may not have one at all or one that simply doesn’t work well.
What would you say if I were to tell you that you can not only very easily make your own shoulder press out of common gym equipment, it actually works even better than machines specifically designed for shoulder pressing!
How To Build It:
In order to build this, you’ll need two Olympic Bars (one bar will do if you don’t have two but you’ll then you’ll have to do the exercise one arm at a time), a power rack and some weight plates. Nothing fancy here.
Essentially, you’ll be using the two bars, set inside the rack, as levers. You’ll be outside the rack to either the left or right side, facing in, pushing up on the ends of the two bars as though they were the handles of a machine.
To maximize the effectiveness of this exercise, we’ll need a rather specific setup. Once you know how to set the exercise up, you’ll find it’s just as quick as any other rack exercise setup.
Start by setting a flat bench beside the rack, with the end about a foot from the side of the rack. This is what you’ll be sitting on as you do the exercise. Next, we’ll be setting the height of your safety rails in the rack. The height will vary somewhat, depending on how tall you are.
Sit on your bench, facing the rack, and set the safety rail right in front of you to a little above your shoulder height. The other safety rail should be set about 2 feet higher than this rail. Having the other end higher is necessary for proper and safe functioning of the movement. The two Olympic bars should not go much higher than horizontal at the top of the movement. This is especially important if the safety rails on your rack are smooth metal. If the bars go higher than horizontal, you may end up sliding them forward rather than up.
Set the two bars on the rails in the rack, about shoulder-width apart (approximately 2 feet). They will be angled down towards the bench at about a 35 degree angle.
In order to ensure that the bars don’t slide, pull the collars of the bars against the top safety rail. I also highly recommend putting a 10 pound weight plate on the ends with a collar to toally eliminate the possibility of the bar slipping down.
Do a practice rep without any weight plates on the lower ends to make sure the setup feels good. Sit on the end the bench and place the heels of your hands under the ends of the two bars. Now wrap your fingers around the ends of the bars. You may have to lift the bars up a little to get into the start position.
Perform a shoulder press movement from there. Start with your hands in the normal shoulder-width position. As you press up, bring your hands together overhead in an arc.
This freedom of movement is one of the most valuable benefits of this set-up. Most machines don’t allow you to do this–they lock your hands into position like a barbell, increasing the stress on your shoulder joints.
Dumbells do allow this freedom of movement but it’s very difficult to get very heavy dumbells up into position. With this exercise you get the best of both worlds…the ability to use more weight, like a machine, and the increased freedom of movement like dumbells.
Now it’s time to add some weight to the bars. Use smaller sized plates (5, 10, and 25 pounders, at the most) so you don’t bang them together at the top. If the plates are larger, you won’t be able to bring them together as close, which will limit the effectiveness of the exercise.
Start adding weight conservatively - remember, you’re also lifting the weight of the bars as well.
It is EXTREMELY important that you use very solid collars on the bars on the lower ends. The bars are at a steep angle and the potential for the weights to slide off is great. Check for signs of slippage between sets (gaps between the weight plates and the bar collars).
Perform the seated shoulder press as you normally would on a machine. You’ve now got yourself a shoulder press machine!
Why This Exercise Is So Effective:
As I mentioned above, one of the major benefits of this setup is the freedom of movement you get with the bars. Unlike machines and like dumbells, you are able to bring your hands together at the top of the movement.
Another advantage of this setup over a regular machine or barbell is the independent movement of the bars. This eliminates the problem of the stronger side helping out the weaker side too much and creating strength imbalances. It also allows you to perform both one arm presses and alternating arm presses very easily.
The possibility of using more weight, like a barbell or machine, without having to get those weights up to shoulder position on your own power, like with dumbells, is a tremendous advantage as well.
A good shoulder press machine is hard to find. Why not build your own machine that actually works better! All you need is a couple of bars and a rack.
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Ideal Body Weight is Exactly That, an Ideal
All beautiful women, regardless of who finds them beautiful, represent values. Specifically they represent the values of those who find them beautiful. If you value health, you will find a woman with clear skin more beautiful than one with blemishes.
Female Beauty
Female beauty is the only thing I can think of that is news worthy every single day. Beauty matters, it’s ridiculously idealistic to pretend it doesn’t, and, in my opinion, a waste of time to debate whether or not it should matter. While it is true that there are very minor variations in what we find attractive in a woman, in general we find the same women are attractive, so the trick in a quest for an objective definition of female beauty is not to look at the differences but at the similarities in what we all find attractive.
Ideal Body Weight
Women are aware that an ideal body weight and proper nutrition provide them with the energy they require in order to stay vibrant and healthy. An ideal body weight is really a range that is within the boundaries of good health. Staying 5-10% below ideal body weight is a good target for anti-aging weight. The ideal body weight is calculated based on height and varies slightly for men and women. Remember, maintaining ideal body weight is one of the best approaches to reducing the risk of many cancers. Being more than 25% above your Ideal Body Weight is linked with increased risk of health problems, disease and death.
Because it involves factors that are both objective (like your health risks) and subjective (like your personal satisfaction with your appearance), your ideal body weight is much more than a number on the scale: it's more like a state of being. Ideal body weight is simply what your weight becomes when you exercise regularly and eat smaller (reasonable) portions of healthy food. Ideal body weight is different for each individual depending on health, age, metabolism, body fat, muscle tone as well as other factors. One common measure to determine ideal body weight is body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of height and weight multiplied by a factor.
Dieting and exercise are the only methods to get to your goals and they need to become your new lifestyle if you’re going to sustain the body you want. Maintaining ideal weight is best achieved with diet and activity combined; increasing activity while decreasing food intake. Eating a healthy diet and obtaining regular exercise can be a big part of helping you achieve your goals, whether they are physical fitness, weight loss, or hormonal/fertility improvement. Evidence suggests that eating a plant-based diet, being physically active and maintaining an ideal body weight can reduce the incidence of the most common forms of cancer by up to 40%. The use of appetite suppressant medications to treat obesity should be combined with physical activity and improved diet to lose and maintain weight successfully over the long term.
Physical Fitness
Women who have not exercised in years can bring themselves back into a physical condition that they will not believe. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, physical activity of less than 2 times a week at less than 60% of the maximum heart rate, and for less than 10 minutes per day, does not help in developing and maintaining fitness. However, the actual amount of physical activity you need depends on your individual fitness goals, whether you are trying to lose weight, and how fit you currently are.
Fitness weight loss is an option that is more palatable than only decreasing calorie intake, especially by people who are searching for natural weight loss options. The basic approach to fitness weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume but sometimes whatever you do, it does not seem to be working. The key to fitness weight loss is a sensible and nutritious eating plan, where the type of food you eat is tailored to give you all the nutrients your body needs, and where the amount of food you consume is actually reduced and limited.
For maintenance of desirable body weight, a maintenance level of calories along with physical activity is recommended to preserve lean body mass and muscle tone. An evaluation by an exercise physiologist is helpful to avoid injuries that can occur if physical activity is initiated without much consideration given to the type, duration of physical activity, and the physical condition of the person. If physical activity is discontinued, the fitness benefits are completely lost.
Increase Your Vertical Jump
Hey listen are you interested in increasing your vertical jump, well keep reading this article because you have come to the right place. I am a vertical jump training advisor with a ton of knowledge and personal experience gaining a great vertical jump. Jumping can be a really fun exciting way to build power and strength; it also will help take your sport to the next level. Here I will share with you the basics from how to eat, how to exercise and how recovery is key to success for achieving an eye popping vertical jump.
Nutrition To Fuel Your Body:
Stay in the ZONE so eat 5 to7 times small meals throughout the day in order for your body and mind to perform at peak levels; as well as giving your body and mind nutrition to heal and repair itself through recovery. The foundation to your diet should consist of wet carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, not dry carbohydrates like pasta, or white breads. Next you need your protein such as chicken, tuna, salmon, lean beef, and protein shakes. Finally you will need essential fats, which are Omega 3 and Omega 6. Also get you vitamins and make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Exercises To Increase Your Vertical Jump:
Keep you core muscles strong, make sure you are doing abs, obliques, and lower back exercises. Always keep you posture to keep you back and abs lean. When you are working out to increase your vertical jump you will build lean muscle tissue, this in itself will help you jump higher. Keep your exercises explosive and quick, do not over train but keep the intensity high. Do not go to failure, when you feel like your next rep will not be as explosive or you ca not lift the same weight stop the set or exercise. For example for maximum jumps, jump as high as you can then when you land jump back up to the same height as your first jump, these are reps you want to count, if you jump lower stop immediately.
More exercises you can do at the gym are power exercises like: Plyometrics, repetitive jumping, depth jumps, attitude jumps, and skipping rope, flying pull ups and jumping push ups. Some Strength work is good to do as well. So at least once a week do heavy weight lifting using reps of 5 to 7, doing compound basic power lifting exercises like the squat, dead lift, and bench press.
Key To Always Increase Your Vertical Jump:
If you want to increase you vertical jump you need to time your exercises with a stopwatch. You have to know how long you take to complete each set and each rest time. If you can decrease the amount of time you take to complete an exercise your will improve your results guaranteed. So for example if you can go from doing 20 maximum jumps spread out over 2:30 minutes and than over time you can slowly add an extra 2 jumps every 1 to 2 weeks and at the same time decrease the total time it takes you; your vertical jump will continue to increase, the math does not lie. For advanced athletes you may need to eventually add a weight vest or belt with an increase of 1 to 2 pounds per week.
Next you have to understand technique and how it can help you get to jump higher to your full potential at your current strength and power levels. You must use your whole body to jump not just your legs, swing your arms forcefully up and over you head as you explode upward with you lower body. Using you arms will help you jump at least a few inches higher than you current standing jump.
Make sure you get plenty of rest and sleep, this is essential to recovery, if you miss this you will not make gains, and you can cause injury or illness from lack of recovery.
Ok so now you know how to eat, recover and exercise for peak performance in your sport and increasing your vertical jump. Now get to work if you want to gain some serious inches to your vertical jump, train smart and intensely.
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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Vertical Jump Super Foods - Key Foods To Increase Vertical Jump & Ones To Avoid
There are in fact vertical jump super foods that will help you increase your jump. This article will discuss jump super foods and which foods will help you decrease your vertical.
Not all foods are treated equal and not all fats should be avoided. In fact, studies have shown that eating monounsaturated fats like olive oil actually help you burn fat faster.
Having a fast and powerful jump is a direct result of your muscle versus weight ratio. Fat is heavy and weighs you down while strong, firm muscles give you explosive power.
These are some super foods that will help you build real muscle mass, and ultimately a significant jump increase.
1. Creatine. Creatine has been proven to be safe for building muscle and speeding up muscle recovery after strenuous workouts.
2. Low fat meats, fruits, vegies and salads. Eating unprocessed healthy foods will decrease your body fat while at the same time improving your health. These foods are high in Vitamin C, a powerful building block and protein. Be sure to try and incorporate protein rich foods in every meal for their powerful muscle building and fat burning properties.
If you’re after a significant vertical jump increase then avoid some of the foods below:
I think you have an idea which foods to avoid to increase your vertical jump. All the ones that ultimately taste real good and are real bad for you.
High fat content foods, deep fried foods, foods with little nutritional value should be avoided at all costs as all that will do is overload your body with ineffective carbs and sugar that will all be converted to one thing… fat!
Also lower your intake of sugary soft drinks and cordial when looking for a powerful vertical jump increase.
Focus your attention on a lot of unprocessed foods healthy foods that don’t overload your system and fill your body with heavy fat that ultimately is going to weigh your body down.
If you are serious about increasing your leap you need to find the right program that will meet your needs.
The best program for you will be able to be customized to your own individual and athletic needs and circumstances. Programs customize their workouts differently. One may concentrate on an individual’s weaknesses, while another program will customize its program through performing repetitious exercise.
The best program will be able to customize your workout precisely according to your needs and not someone else’s. It will also be able to individually take into account your weight, your height, your health, your fitness level and ultimately, your jump goal.
It will also offer multiple different training levels. The best program will increase your jump strength through both weight training and plyometrics.
I’ve briefly discussed what the best program should contain. Let me know touch on what it should never contain:
1. Outdated information from someone who has no experience in the industry
2. The same exercises that you used when you were 10 (years out of date)
3. Exhaustive sets and reps of the same vertical jump exercises over and over again.
4. Overtraining. Do not do a vertical jump workout every day.
5. Squat overtraining.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just Friends Jonas Brothers love story ch 2 pt 2
sorry! this one is soooooooooo shoet it;s crazy but youtube wouldnt fit this and the other one into a full chapter! UGH!
“well when did you?” Abby said.
“i always have” answered Joe
” yah you can think that.”
Well they actually did have a reason to say that I’m different. When we were little, and Baliey, Abby, Joe, Kevin, Nick, and I were out playing, Nick and i were always having competitions. From a race to seeing who would grow taller, and i was the one who always would win at that! I laughed at that.
“what?” nick said looking at me.
“remember when we would have those competitions to see who would grow taller and i always won?”
“yah” he said slightly laughing
“good times”
“and look I finally beat you at it!”
Yup he did beat me at it. It looked as if he were an inch taller than me. Well anyways, I would always beat Nick up when i lost to something. Not like hard but just a slam to the ground and maybe a punch, but not making it hurt. Yah i would do that to Joe and Kevin too. Good times those were. But now I’m just way more girlier i guess. I wear clothes from abercrombie now and hollister and Juicy couture instead of adidas and Nike, and while Bailey and Aby got so beautiful in the last 4 years since they left. We were all still kinda of mad how we all just lost all types of contact within eachother.
“So what happened between us?” Bailey asked sort of mad.
“I dont know i guess it just happened and we are so sorry about it” Kevin answered
“Our career just kind of took off and we just lost contact” Joe added
“adn you couldnt find any way to get to us?” Abby asked
“We are sorry about that, we just never got to it.” Joe said back
” and when you visit, you all couldnt of came to our houses, i mean we were neibors for our whole lives! you know where we live! heck, you live right near us!” I said back angrily.
” we werent sure if you wanted to see us. We were scared of what would happen” Nick finally said.
“Please just except our apoligy!” Kevin pleaded.
“fine” we all agreed
So we kind of talked about their careers and how it was going. Yah i was still kind of hurt how they lost all contact there was, but what can i do? So the boys invited us to come over for dinner at their house, and Abby and Bailey called their parents for an ok while i called my brother and we were on our way.
WHICH SERIES IS BETTER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Exercise Bikes Buying Guide - Put Your Mettle to the Pedal!
Exercise bikes are one of the most popular home fitness machines on the market. These bikes give you an effective workout and promote a healthy lifestyle. You will have fun, enhance your fitness routine and burn calories with exercise bikes. They are also referred to as stationary bicycles, indoor bikes or studio cycles. They work your legs, lungs and heart while limiting the impact on your knees and leg joints. Exercise bikes are available in several different designs. Due to the cost involved, you will most likely purchase only one exercise bike for several years to come so read the following buying guide and make an informed decision.
What are the factors to keep in mind when buying an exercise bike?
Smart shopping is required when buying home fitness equipment because it is normally a long-term investment. Check whether the bike offers a comfortable seat and a well-balanced flywheel. Also make sure that you can vary your workouts with adjustable resistance options. The exercise bike should have a sturdy frame and a wide range of seat heights. Finally, check whether the bike comes with a good warranty and free repair services.
What are the different kinds of exercise bikes available?
There are three different types of stationary exercise bikes: upright bikes, recumbent bikes and dual action bikes.
Upright Bikes:
Upright exercise bikes are similar to traditional bicycles. These bikes have tiny saddles where you sit with your back unsupported and pedal. Upright bikes occupy very little space. They give you a good lower body and cardiovascular workout. You can even stand up and pedal with an upright bike.
Recumbent Bikes:
Recumbent bikes have a laid-back seating style. The chair-like or bucket seat allows you to lean back for a more comfortable ride. This seating arrangement is good for people with back problems, as it provides lower back support. The pedals are located toward the front of the bike, making the seated position similar to the one that you adopt while driving. These bikes work your hamstrings and gluteals. They also promote efficient blood flow throughout the body. Some recumbent bikes have a recline feature that allows you to adjust the angle of your seat accordingly. They are ideal for overweight persons. If you are not a bike enthusiast, recumbent bikes should be your choice.
Dual Action Bikes:
Dual action or elliptical bikes have movable bars as arm handles. You can increase the overall aerobic intensity of your workout by moving your arms and legs at the same time. Dual action bikes are ideal for those looking to tone both their upper and lower body.
What kind of resistance do you need?
Exercise bikes use friction-based, electro-magnetic or air-resistance mechanisms. The kind of resistance you can choose depends on your budget. Bikes with friction-based resistance, like a caliper or fabric brand brake, are low-priced, but they offer only limited programming. Bikes with air resistance use a fan to produce resistance. The fan also provides a cooling effect. These bikes last longer, as they are free from friction which causes wear and tear. Air resistance bikes are very rare. However, the Schwinn Airdyne is the most popular model of this kind.
Bikes that use electro-magnetic resistance are smoother. These models are usually more expensive, but they provide quieter operation. You can benefit from their pre-set programs and heart rate monitors as well. Try to select a bike with automatic resistance settings, as it will be safer to use.
Do bikes require power to operate?
Most bikes are self-driven and do not need mains power to operate. You can use an exercise bike for about six hours a day. These models last longest if only one or two persons use the same machine. If more than two people use the same bike, it is advisable to purchase a model that requires mains power to drive them.
How much space do these bikes occupy?
Exercise bikes are usually small and occupy minimal space. You can opt for fold-away bikes that can be stored in racks when not in use.
Do you want to monitor your workout?
Most exercise bikes provide information on speed, distance traveled and length of your workout. Do you want to know the total calories you burnt, the program mode or the resistance level? Some advanced models give you all this information along with your pulse and heart rate. Pre-programmed workouts and information storage are offered by sophisticated exercise bikes only.
Lose Weight Without Diet Or Exercise
It has been reported that overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions throughout the world and that overweight and obesity are major contributors to chronic disease and disability globally. In this article I am going to focus on the concern that I hear from many people who are obese or overweight and have tried and failed at diet and exercise programs. The concern is how to lose weight without diet or exercise. I will describe two methods that have achieved varying degrees of success, and the positive and negative aspects of these methods. It is hoped that you will be able to make a wise decision regarding the method you choose.
Since you will come across the terms overweight and obesity frequently let me define these terms. Overweight is defined as a body-mass index of 25 to 29.9 and obesity is a body-mass index greater than 30. Body-mass index is determined by your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in Meters.
The first method to lose weight is the use of diet drugs. There are two types of actions of prescription drugs used for weight loss and obesity in the United States. These are appetite suppressant medications, and medications that reduce nutrient absorption. Appetite suppressants make you feel full and so you eat less. This is achieved by modifying brain chemicals that affect your mood and your appetite. The drugs that reduce nutrient absorption really does just that; they reduces the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the food we eat.
An example of an appetite suppressant drug is Sibutramine. This drug has been approved for long term use which means that it has been approved for use only up to one year. There are side effects, as there are with all drugs, and for this drug the side effects are increased blood pressure and heart rate. Another example of an appetite suppressant that has been approved for an even shorter term use is Phentermine that has been approved for just up to 12 weeks. The side effects also include increased blood pressure and heart rate but in addition, sleeplessness and nervousness. Some weight reduction drugs have had to be withdrawn in the US because the side effects were sever to the point of being life threatening.
You should note also that a drug that has been withdrawn in the US may still be in use in other parts of the world. An example of this is the combined treatment using Fenfluramine and Phentermine. This combination, commonly known as fen/phen, is no longer available since fenfluramine was withdrawn because some people experienced serious lung and heart disorders after using this drug combination.
It is extremely important that if you are considering the use of drugs for weight reduction that may require long term use, that you have thorough discussions with your health care provider and to consider how the side effects would affect you.
I will now deal with the use of herbal weight loss methods. Many people are demanding a more natural way to lose weight by using herbs. These products are in general much safer than drugs and may be used for longer term without the side effects of drugs. Some examples of herbs that have been effective in bringing about significant weight loss include green tea, hawthorn, and supplements containing apple cider vinegar as the main ingredient. The research on the effectiveness of herbs is not as intense as in the case of drugs and so you will need investigate each and seek testimonials from others who have used a particular herb.
You may begin your weight loss quest immediately without fear of failure because drugs and herbs are available that will help you to lose weight. You must be aware however of the possibility of side effects that you may experience while using some drugs and the time duration limitations that are recommended for the safe use of drugs.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
Free Weight Loss Exercise Program
If you are trying to lose weight you may agree with the following statements. Knowing how to lose weight isn't the hard part. Actually taking action to lose weight and your continuous effort is the hard part. If these statements are true then when is a weight loss exercise program useful? Is it the cost of a weight loss exercise program that determines your success? What really matters is that you take action by eating healthy and exercising. How can an exercise program help you accomplish weight loss?
1. By getting you to set a specific weight loss goal. When you know how many pounds you want to lose and how fast you want to lose that weight, then you can decide if your program is working for you.
2. By teaching you how to keep track of your calories. Your body burns calories throughout the day and while you are asleep. There are actual estimates of how many calories your body burns per hour from various activities. If you add up your calories burned from your daily routine, sleep, and exercise you can get a good estimate of the total amount of calories your body burns. Most likely, nutrition information is available for most of the foods you eat. So you can add up the total number of calories you consume. If you burn more calories than you consume, then you should loss weight.
3. By motivating you to take action. Everything an exercise program does is useless unless you take action. If an exercise program can not get you to change your eating habits and exercise more frequently then what good is it?
4. By teaching you basic nutrition. The US government has a website that tells you the basic nutrition your body needs for your specific weight, height, sex, and age.
5. By giving you exercise options. You could lose weight from just doing hours of jumping jacks, but most people don't want to do that. If a weight loss exercise program gives you more options then you are more likely to find an activity that you love. Maybe you want your exercise activity to be aerobics or ice-skating. Once you have found an exercise activity that you love, then you will not have to force yourself to do it.
6. By explaining progression. If you start your first week with drastic diet changes and a grueling exercise routine you will probably quit. A weight loss exercise program should start off easy and make gradual changes. Also your routine should keep increasing in difficulty and change form time to time.
If you want to lose weight then look for these steps in a free weight loss exercise program or an expensive one.
Diet and Exercise Tips to Help You Lose Weight Fast
Losing weight is a great challenge especially if you have been overweight for a long period of time. However, time and time again people continue to accomplish amazing feats as far as weight loss is concerned so do not give up just because a few weight loss methods you tried did not work out as well as you would have liked them to. Here are some simple diet and exercise tips you can try that can help you lose the fat and look great:
Tip 1: Weight train
Most people that want to lose weight do not understand the importance of muscle on your body and how it contributes to fat loss. Muscle burns fat continuously so by having a healthy amount of muscle mass on your body it becomes a lot easier to maintain a healthy body weight and you do not have to watch what you eat all that closely since your overall metabolic rate is higher.
Consider joining a local gym and taking some personal training sessions if you have never trained with weights before so you can learn proper form for the exercises to avoid unnecessary injury. You do not need to spend a lot of time with weight training, even doing 2 to 3 sets of a few exercises like the bench press and leg press or squat to target the major muscles of the body can be very effective to start. Keep it simple at the start and just do it. As you get stronger you can add more weight and do more targeted exercises if you like.
Tip 2: Vary your eating habits
Most people that are overweight tend to eat even when they are not hungry. Make sure you listen to your body and only eat when you are genuinely hungry. In fact, if your body is giving you hunger signals then you know it is time to eat and it is fine to eat almost whatever you want and like however listen to your body and stop eating when you are full or when the food just does not taste good anymore.
People that stay at a healthy weight are very aware of how their bodies are responding to their diet and exercise habits. When they start to notice even a little bit of unwanted fat beginning to accumulate they will either increase the exercise rate or lower the amount of calories they are consuming. It can be difficult to develop this awareness if you have not been thin for a long time however one good tip is to compare yourself to the body of someone who is at a healthy weight for your height and then see where you stand and make necessary adjustments.
Tip 3: Avoid starvation or low fat diets
The truth is that your body needs fat in order to survive. Most people get heart attacks and strokes not because of fat but because of too much stress mentally and poor exercise habits. Eat fatty foods but know when to stop, when the fat starts to lose its initial great taste then you know you need to stop eating those fatty or junk foods and add some fruits and vegetables to balance things out. You will notice that fruits and veggies tend to taste very good after you have had a lot of junk food, this is because your body needs the nutrition in the fruits and veggies in addition to whatever nutrition there is in the junk foods so that your body receives a wide array of nutrients it needs in order to function properly.
How To Increase Your Vertical Jump
Too many people seem to believe that your vertical jumping ability is something you are born with; it’s as if you have a God given ceiling that you’ll never get past. You watch basketball players and Olympic athletes jump to amazing heights and assume that they just got the right numbers in the genetic lottery.
Actually, your vertical jump is an ability that can be improved, just like nearly any other ability. Certainly, there are some natural physiological aspects that are going to help or hinder your progress, but we all have our burdens to bear.
First, we should define exactly what a vertical jump is. Basically, you test your vertical jump ability by standing flat footed and jumping straight up in the air, without taking a step. You measure your jump reach by reducing your jump reach by your standing reach – the difference is considered your vertical jump. Your standing reach is the height you can reach standing flat footed, your jump reach is as defined above. Just so you know what you’re competing against, the average NBA player has a vertical jump range of 28 to 34 inches.
Because your vertical jump is an explosive muscle movement, you need to work on increasing both your power and your strength. This is obviously done through specific exercises. This article will focus on the strength exercises.
An exercise that increases your strength is something you do with a slow and controlled motion. Squats, lunges and step-ups are the best strength exercises for increasing vertical jump. One of the reasons that these are so beneficial is because they work both your knee and hip joints at the same time.
One of the most common causes of injury are exercises done inappropriately, so it’s important to look at each of these exercises and how to properly perform them. While this will convey the basic and safest procedures, you should have a professional trainer observe your technique to ensure you aren’t putting yourself in danger.
Squats are one of the best overall exercises for athletes and also one of the most dangerous if performed incorrectly. You should have a good stance with the bar on your traps and shoulders, never on your neck. Your chest should be out and your back should be tight, leaning forward just slightly. Your knees should remain directly above your feet at all times and not bow in or out, as this can cause knee problems in the future. Keep your weight on your heels at all times.
Step ups are generally performed with dumbbells and a box or bench designed for step ups, usually sixteen to eighteen inches in height. You should stand in an upright position, with dumbbells in hand, and step up onto the box to a height which puts your knee at a 90-degree angle. You should do ten to fifteen repetitions with one leg and then repeat with the other.
Lunges are usually done with either dumbbells or with a bar across your upper back. You begin by standing in an upright position and then step as far forward as you possibly can, but do not lean your upper body. Your torso should remain upright at all times. Again, you are aiming to get your knee at a 90-degree angle. You then step back into your original, upright position. As with step ups, you should do ten to fifteen repetitions with one leg and then repeat with the other leg.
Keep up these exercises and you’ll soon amaze yourself with the increase of your vertical jump.
Friday, March 20, 2009
How Do Women Build Muscle , Get The Facts And Bust The Myths
In a woman’s world, strength training with weights has more misconceptions and myths than any other area of women’s fitness.
Basic Rules of Strength Training
Whoever is lifting the weight, be it male or female, the old rule will apply. So let’s get the facts straight right now and move on:
- Heavier weights performed with less repetitions will build muscle mass
- Lighter weights performed with more repetitions will build endurance, tone the muscle group worked without building mass
The average woman will experience a 20 - 40 percent increase in strength when lifting weights after several consecutive months of resistance training.Often women will complain of a small weight gain as well as experience a tight change of fit to their clothes, this will of course happen when they start to replace lean muscle mass with fat loss. A pond of muscle weighs more than a pond of fat. As far as the ill fitting wardrobe, this is because your body measurements change as you start to build your arms shoulders, and leg muscles. investing in some new clothes is a small price to pay for a long lean strong body. As far as the scale goes, I would avoid looking at the numbers. They mean nothing at all. It is better to keep track of your shrinking waistline and fat loss.
The same can be said for women that indulge in aerobic workout activities such as step classes, elliptical machines and stationary bicycle or outdoor cycling. With aerobic exercise, increasing the height of the step or overload due to resistance will also encourage muscle mass to occur rather than tone the legs, resulting in a toned, lean look. True aerobic training in the form of running, race walking and cardio classes at the gym will build your heart muscle which is something we should all be concerned with at any age.
So How Do women Build Muscle?
The true answer lies in our DNA. Our genetics have a large determining factor as to how we distribute our body fat and what ratio of estrogen to testosterone is in our body make-up. So, in a way we are already predisposed as to how our body responds to weight training and aerobic exercise in a certain way.
What Body Type Are You?
There are three classifications of body type for women:
Mesomorphs: Tend to be more muscular, this body type responds quickly to weight training and is more apt to gain muscle mass.
Ectomorphs: This body type tends to stay lean. Even with strength training, they are less likely to build any muscle mass, but will become stronger through lifting weights. Weight loss occurs more easily and they tend to NOT store body fat.
Endomorphs: This body type is more soft and round, often referred to as voluptuous. There must be a loss of body fat before this body type can see a difference in muscle tone due to strength training.
Research continues to prove that weight training is great for women. It builds body strength and helps to slow bone loss and osteporisis in some cases. However, most women continue to avoid resistance training out of fear of developing large muscles and losing their femenity.
No two bodies are alike it is important to remember that every woman will respond differently to the exact training routine. Never compare yourself to others you see at the gym. Focus on your individual results based on your age and body type. It’s not what you look like, but rather how exercise makes you feel and the quality of life it brings to you.
How Can One Grow Taller?
Best Workouts For Growing Taller
The top exercise I recommend is swimming. Swimming in crawl, for instance, incorporates stretching exercises. And high intensity stretching exercises produce growth hormone that will benefit the chance to grow taller. Go to swimming pool as a minimum twice a week and swim for about an hour. But don’t be slacking! The workouts must be maximally intense to increase the likelihood of increasing height.
Stretching Workouts To Let A Person Grow Taller
Other than swimming you ought to absolutely practice some specific stretching exercises. One thing you should take into account is to apply utmost intensity when doing these exercises. Remember - the more intensity you apply, the more are the chances of your organism producing human growth hormone consequently making you grow taller. Some of these exercises are toe touching, bridges, hanging and others. Before doing these exercises be sure to warm up so you evade injuries. Some of stretching exercises can be unsafe when performed inaccurately.
How To Make You Appear Taller
I would highly recommend choosing appropriate clothing that would make you appear taller. For instance, use vertical stripes and elements in clothes, and wear clothes that fit you. Avoid wearing baggy clothing. Other than that you could try higher heels for footwear as a female or a “high” hairstyle or even put on a taller hat. You might also want to develop your posture. If you are stooping you will naturally look shorter. A correct posture looks great and also makes you appear taller. The right posture is straight back, shoulders back, chest outwards, chin up and look ahead.
If you want to get the best out of grow taller exercises and tips, check out this page!
Kickboxing and Health
Kickboxing and Bodybuilding.
Personally, I believe this is the most awesome workout you can ask for in terms of having both a strong and lean body.
Let me explain why should you prefer a kickboxing package over a gym.
Kickboxing packages are actually more expensive, however I think its more than worth it provided:
1.) Nutrition counseling
2.) bodyweight exercises/ weight training
3.) Self Defence training
4.) Personal attention
it is much easier to walk on a machine treadmill, I mean its so obvious that kicking and punching makes your body use itself much more.
So the fat loss actually gets WAY faster.
and not just that, if you technically look at it:
treadmill, stationary bike and stepper exhaust you MORE because whether you are kicking or running on a balanced machine, you are putting efforts.
So ultimately you get exhausted LESS and burn MORE.
However, if you are into something which goes: 'I want looks, fuck everything else' then you should hire a personal trainer and go to a gym and regularly take supplements.
So how does it help someone obese or unfit enough to do pushups and squats?
Simple enough… start with what you can, like modified pushups, do simple leg raises with ankle weights and work with dumbbells first before going for weight training.
gain strength and do the tough work.
And yes, if you ask the trainer about you being not able to do something, HE WILL OFFER AN ALTERNATIVE which will eventually make you capable enough for the hard things.
Secondly, pick a time in the morning for your batch, the weight related exercises will burn fat throughout the day.
And in about 3-4 months, your body will be conditioned and aware enough for basic self defence.
And if you work on the psychological aspects, girls will be prepared to defend against rape WITHIN A SINGLE SESSION.
Kickboxing for different age groups:
This will help increase height maybe 2-3 inches if you are very dedicated to kickboxing training.
You can get your six pack.
battle ready and a possible career in the field.
working class hero:
to see the great benefits of kickboxing, the first criteria in daily practice.
However, if you are burning the same time in the gym, I suggest you invest here instead,
the reasons being:
1.) because the gym cardio fails to complete utilize your body, it will not completely work your legs hence resulting into very less long term benefits in terms of having enough stamina to last throughout the day and the extra stamina once the day is over.
You need a strong body regardless of who you are and what you do.
2.) faster fat burning, I know its hard maintaining the sexy frame once you have to deal with work… so its worth the time and money put in it.
3.) Self Defence
1.) The constant kicking will give you a damn tight butt and shapely thighs
3.) you can look hot, hit good, get more energy… I mean what else can you ask for?
Above 45:
Not Recommended.
Use every Sunday to recover. just stretch in the Sunday.
if you can, take a massage.
And yes, add salt to your bath daily (hot water). will help soothe anything that is sore.
Try stretching every now and then, does wonders in the long term
Monday, March 16, 2009
Have a Fun of Doing Exercise
Many people like to have exercise fun. Most of the people do exercises because they want to maintain fitness of the body and they want to gain good health. Every person has a desire to look beautiful, but sometimes due to their bulkiness they don’t look good. Exercise is the best way to reduce your weight and to gain good body figure.
1. Pleasure of doing exercise:
Many people find it to be a pleasure of doing exercise. Most of the people do exercise because they feel relaxed by doing exercise. Exercise also helps the person to reduce their tensions and can make them feel happy. If you feel fresh by doing exercise then you should try to do it regularly. The exercise fun motivates the person to do daily exercise.
2. Helps in Curing Your Problems:
Doing regular exercise will help you to get rid of your problems. Daily exercise will help you in curing your body problems. Many people have problems regarding their back bones, legs, stomach and other parts of the body. A person can get relief from such problems by doing regular exercise. Those who are having shoulder problems should do bowflex exercise. Those who have problem regarding their stomach should do abdominal exercise. By doing regular exercise you can also prevent diseases like high blood pressure, hypertensions and joint pains. You would like to have exercise fun if it works effectively.
3. Tips for doing Exercise:
Before you start exercise you should consider certain things. You should choose the exercise which is good for you. You should not choose such exercises which increase your problems instead of curing it. Looking to your interest you can choose your exercise. There are many exercises such as walking, dancing, swimming, jumping etc. which you can do. You can do exercise with your friends also. You should keep on changing your exercise so that you don’t feel bore to do it. A person can increase his exercise fun by listening to music or by singing.
4. Types of Exercises:
There are many types of exercise which a person can do to gain fitness. A person can do exercises like swimming, dancing, walking, jumping, pull ups, cycling etc. Jumping and pull ups are the best exercise for those who want to increase their height. If you want to make good body figure then you can do swimming and walking exercise.
5. Benefits of doing Exercise:
Regular exercises also help you to curtail your unnecessary expenditure of gym. You will enjoy exercise fun and you will be able to derive effective results. A person can gain good health and body figure by doing regular exercise.
Grow Taller at Any Age
If you’ re feeling depressed related to delays in physical growth and development, Growth-FlexV Pro System can help you. http://growth-flexv.com/
Grow Taller Naturally
http://www.heightchallenged.com Gain up to 4″ in height in just 13 weeks. No dangerous drugs, no magic potions, no scams. Just scientifically proven fitness and exercise techniques.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Revolutionary Europlate Vibration Exercise Machine
Although the technology behind these vibration plates seem like a very recent innovation, the concept on the whole body vibration owes its origins way back to the time when the ancient Greeks where so bent on discovering ways to put the healing process of injuries on a faster pace. Originally, they would wrap the affected body part with a piece of cloth, one end of which is tied to a saw that would provide the believed-to-be-healing vibrations. Although simpler in design, this Greek method will show its likeness to the belt massagers that we have today. In the late nineteenth century, famous inventor and physician John Harvey Kellogg used vibrations from machines in treating his patients.
But the idea of using the concept on whole body vibration in the modern times is attributed to Vladimir Nazarov, a Russian scientist. He referred to the process as the "biochemical stimulation." The Russian Space Program made researches and studies on using vibrations to trigger movement in the muscles, which were supposedly to prevent bones and muscles from being idle while the cosmonauts stayed very long in space. Eventually the concept on whole body vibration were being studied and implemented among ballet dancers when they learned about its effects of helping them recover from muscle injuries faster. No wonder Russia's Olympic athletes were adopting the idea when they discovered increased jump height and muscle strength after every use.
And now VibraSlim, the leading fitness equipment manufacturer in the United States of America have again uphold their great name in the fitness world in their invention of the revolutionary Europlate Vibration Exercise Machine with completely new fitness functions and attractive design.
Over the years, the name VibraSlim has stood out when it comes to the making of vibration exercise equipment with its continuous production of top-quality fitness equipment that are affordable for the regular and average health buff. VibraSlim leads in the fitness world in its perseverance to provide athletes, doctors, gyms, hospitals, and everyday people with the vibration plate equipment to improve the total health and well-being of each and everyone.
The new Europlate Vibration Exercise Machine is designed with rubber exercise straps with an improved ability to enhance training results. The whole machine is dependent in the wholly body vibration concept. With whole body vibration varying vibrating frequencies are sent through the body's various systems—muscular, skeletal, glandular, and nervous systems, which is practically then entire body system. Unlike the traditional gym training that uses large amounts of physical strength to improve one's well-being, the whole body vibration technique makes use of lower frequencies and still causes healthy effects on the body functions. Generally the whole body vibration technique is ideal for warming up, cooling down, and for strength training, while higher frequencies are for the enhancement of the body's blood circulation to the stimulation of the body's peripheral tissues. With the vibrating plate, vibrations are sent through the feet or hands. The body, in turn, adjusts to these stimuli and responds with a corresponding stretch reflex, a reflexive adjustment occurring in the brain that further sends out neuro-regenerative effects as it is rejuvenated and a healthier mental state is restored.
At an affordable price and with all the healthy benefits you get from it, the Europlate Vibration Exercise Machine is definitely a must-have in every home.