Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Secrets to Increasing Your Height

Many have pondered the question can you really grow when one reaches puberty?

Research has shown specifically that it is not possible to increase your height once your growth plates have closed, this usually occurs when men reach the age of 24 and women 23 but there are plenty of cases when one's growth plates close a lot earlier.

So is it still possible to grow if your growth plates are closed?

Now the thing with scientific research is that they can change their minds much like the weather, today they may say that there is no way you can grow and tomorrow they may say something completely different. For example have you heard that 1 glass of wine a day was good for you, well it turns out that 1 glass of wine a day increases your risk of bowel cancer. Now I'm not saying you can grow 8 to 9 inches in a day but hard work and dedication over a period of time, you can gain the few inches you crave so much.

Stretching Exercises:

There are numerous stretching exercises that can help one improve their posture thus making you increase your height. These are just some of the stretching techniques I use in order to straighten my posture and thus making me permanently taller.

Wall Stretch: Stand up against the wall while keeping your back straight as much as possible. Reach your hands up as high as you can by getting onto your tiptoes.

Touch Toes: Keep your feet as close together as you can and back straight. Raise your hands above your head, and slowly bend over forward to touch your toes.

Cobra: With your body face down and palms on the floor try to arch your spine as far back as possible.

Leg Stretch: Lying on your back, stretch out your right leg and then left. Counting to five, imagine you are pushing a box with the flat of your foot. Now repeat the same exercise but on your stomach.

Touch Toes On Floor: Sitting on the Floor stretch your legs as far apart and stretch yourself so you are touching your left foot with 2 hands and repeat the process with your right foot.


The only supplement I would recommend is a Multi Vitamin AS ALL of the supplements regarding growing taller are all fakes and scams and do little to nothing at all.

Hypnosis and Subliminal Audio:

Hypnosis and Subliminal audio have been around for decades but hasn't been mainstream until recently. You can use hypnosis and subliminal audio to program the way you think and look at life but more importantly, it programs your mind in giving you the time and energy to succeed with stretching and giving you the self motivation and self belief that you are increasing your height.

Also be careful when shopping around on the Internet looking for height increase programs as they are mostly scams and the information provided can be found anyone for a lot cheaper if not free…

Click Here for more information that will help you increase your height naturally guaranteed…

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